Colts running back Jonathan Taylor on Thursday, during the annual "NFL Honors" show, added another award to his impressive collection...
Reggie Wayne, who amassed 14,345 receiving yards in his 14-year career and is second all-time in postseason receptions, will have...
The accolades continue to roll in for Colts running back Jonathan Taylor and linebacker Darius Leonard, both of whom were...
The Colts still control their playoff destiny, even after losing, 23-20, to the Las Vegas Raiders on Sunday at Lucas...
2. This chilly game was a mismatch pretty much from the start. With the kickoff temperature of 11 degrees and...
2. Still, how the Colts handle facing another strong run defense will be key. The Buccaneers enter Week 12 allowing...
2. The defense's biggest missed opportunity came on the first play of the final drive. Adams was referring to a...
The Tennessee Titans are 39-17 when Derrick Henry averages more than 3.7 yards per carry in a game and 13-15...
1. Jonathan Taylor is continuing to prove himself as an elite running back. We're one-third through the 2021 NFL season...
In the first half on Sunday, the Colts allowed 9.9 yards per play, including 11 first downs, an 80-percent success...